Project 3

I believe that citizens should be allowed to have technology that completely locks out the government. It is our right to have our private information for our use only. Even if you do not have anything to hide you might still want to protect your information. Why should the government have a right to your information. I understand that they want to protect people, but unless they have reasonable suspicion of dangerous behavior, there is no reason for them to be snooping around your information.

Encryption is not that big of a deal in my life. To be honest I do not know how to encrypt my devices and I am not doing things that are so bad that I do not want others to see. Of course I want my information to be protected, but at the same point I feel that it is too much of a hassle for me to go through protecting it all than to have them snoop through my useless stuff.

I believe that national security will win. I think the government and others have too much power and money for it not to win. I don’t necessarily agree with it winning out. In the case of Apple, I am more on Apple’s side.  I think a lot of danger comes when start making codes that can unlock things. I only think harm will come from the government having such software. I also think that there is a lot to be said for personal privacy. By not having any I think the people are giving the government too much power and they will abuse and it will not create a better future. I do not know how much fighting I will do on this front but I definitely know that I stand on the personal privacy side.

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